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In this position, you will be assigned a project to carry out from areas including but not limited to natural language processing, representation learning, recommender systems, or causal inference. The project will be defined and carried out under the supervision of one or more of our senior scientists, and you will be assigned another scientist as a mentor to follow you during the project.Our goal is to maximize the time you spend on inventing new models and experimenting with new techniques, so the work will concentrate on prototyping and creating a tangible proof of concept, rather than engineering and scaling. Amazon encourages publications, and you will be included as an author of any published manuscript.
A day in the life
- チームの多くのメンバーは、午前9時くらいから10時半くらいまでの間に仕事を始め、夕方6時から7時には仕事を終えています。出席が必要なミーティングに参加していれば、勤務時間は自由に決められます。
- パートタイムを希望する場合、勤務時間数は採用担当者とともに決定します。フルタイムの場合、労働時間は通常の契約通り週40時間となります。
- オフィスは目黒にあり、週3回の出社が必要です。残りの2日間はリモートワーク、オフィスへの出勤いずれも可能です。- The majority of the team starts working between 9 and 10.30am until 18-19. You will have complete flexibility to determine your working hours as long as you are present for the meetings where your attendance is required.
- Number of working hours will be determined together with the hiring manager in case you want to pursue the Fellowship part-time. In case of full-time, working hours will be 40/week as per a standard contract.
- Our office is located in Meguro, and presence in the office is required 3 times/week. You are free to work remotely for the remaining two days or come to the office if you prefer.
Tokyo, 13, JPN
- 現在、日本の大学の修士課程または博士課程に在籍し、機械学習または関連分野を研究していること。年次は問いません。
- Pythonに精通していること。
- 日本語または英語に堪能であること。
- Currently enrolled (any year) in a PhD course in a Japanese university, studying Machine Learning or related disciplines.
- Fluency in Python.
- Fluent in either Japanese or English.
- 査読付き国際会議・学術誌に論文を発表していること。
- Published papers in peer-reviewed international conferences and journals.
The salary information can be provided individually prior to the 1st interview
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