Writing a professional CV

CV Builder is the only tool that provides a complete solution for preparing professional CV for high-tech jobs and generally in less than 5 minutes

Create a professional CV. Multiple templates to help you with a top-notch resume.

Choose a CV template

Hundreds have already created well-designed and striking CVs and increased their chances of finding a job

CV Examples

Why is it important that your CV stands out?

Write an outstanding resume with Expoint and get hired faster

We have developed our CV Builder to help job seekers get hired fast by creating beautiful yet simple and clean templates, following all the industry hiring requirements. Stand out of your competition with an eye-catching resume, edit and download it in PDF format with ease. Try it today.

Choose a CV template

Professional CV Builder tool from Expoint.

Here are some tips for you

Appearance and content

Visibility and content of the first impression is the most important thing even when creating a CV. Choose a template that best represents you. Write your work experience in descending order (from the last position to the first), indicate your unique skills, and try to condense the CV to one page.

Highlight and customise

Adopt the CV to the job you are aiming for. It is very important to add only the most relevant information to the CV for any particular job. Sometimes less is more, as we know.

Use power words

Words like accomplished, achieved, delivered, initiated, delivered make a great impression on the reader. Use them to implement within your CV, when writing your short self-description or summary to improve the flow for the reader and to accent on certain achievements.

How to create a successful CV

How to write a compelling, interesting CV which stands out from a hundred others? A question that each job seeker is asking themselves. A well-written CV is sometimes a ticket to a new career journey and may be life-changing. The competition in every job market is continuously growing, especially if you are aiming for any senior positions in fields like high-tech, data engineering, and development. Not only it is important to state your achievements, experience, and skills compactly, it is also important to present them well to stand a chance.
Nowadays, we are all drawn to some level of aesthetics, and it is proven that a well-written and designed resume catches way more attention of the hiring manager/employer than a plain CV with no definition, little details, and enthusiasm.


7 Steps to creating a winning CV:


  1. Appearance

    The first impression is everything even when it comes to creating a CV. Keep your resume clean, organised, and consistent. Use the same font, highlighting in bold or underlining the most important points.

  2. Customisation

    Adopt the CV to the job you are aiming it. It is very important to add only the most relevant information to the CV for any particular job. Sometimes less is more, as we know.

  3. Grammar

    There is nothing worse than an official document or letter which contains grammatical mistakes. Always double-check the spelling, perhaps ask your friends who have a good knowledge of language to help you. Your resume is your official letter to a potential employer, put that effort into it.

  4. Sequence

    Keep the information added in a relevant sequence starting with your most recent role & education first.

  5. Show your industry knowledge

    Read as many job descriptions and definitions of the roles you are applying for, to have a clear vision of what’s needed from you as an employee. Demonstrate your knowledge in the field by describing your tasks at the previous work experience, any personal projects which showcase that knowledge and skills.

  6. Highlights

    Make sure to emphasize your accomplishments rather than listing your responsibilities.

  7. Use power words

    Words like accomplished, achieved, delivered, initiated, delivered make a great impression on the reader. Use them to implement within your CV, when writing your short self-description or summary to improve the flow for the reader and to accent on certain achievements.

There are multiple softwares that can offer various options for creating a beautiful CV, called CV builders.
At Expoint, we have created an ultimate tool to help you create a well-structured CV.
Once chosen one of the CV templates, you would follow a step-by-step process, filling out the most relevant information in the right order, while keeping it well-organized and eye-appealing. You would then be able to download and save it, as well as have it stored in your CV Library.

Not only our CV builder makes it easier for you to create a beautiful CV (no need to worry about fonts, lines, formatting,  you can then use it anywhere by sending a PDF. It also gives easy access for the employer to find you by your skills and experience. There are also various tips in each section to guide you through.

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