Minimum of 6- 8 years of Software Product development experience.
Strong development experience in JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, React, SASS, and NodeJS
Experience with TRIRIGA tools like BO, workflow, query, and UX designer
Experience of frontend, backend technologies for web application development using React framework, redux, redux-observable, IBM Carbon React components, Material UI React components, HTML5, SASS, Web Accessibility, Jest framework, React testing-library, NodeJS, REST API development, web components, Google Polymer, Service worker API, History API, Geolocation API, Web Storage API, Microsoft Graph API, Microsoft Outlook Add-ons
Experience in UI Test Automation technologies such as Selenium, etc.
Experience with agile software development, continuous integration, and continuous delivery.
Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise
Knowledge is Java, Java Servlet and Spring, Liberty WebSphere, Git, CI/CD, Jenkins, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Docker, SSO with OAuth, webpack
Ability to troubleshoot and debugging independently, creatively come up with solutions, and good communication