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CareerArc Code
4+ years of experience with z/OS Processing Environment.
Extensive development experience using 64-bit Assembler and 31-bit Assembler programming languages. C & C++ experience is a plus
Extensive experience with VSAM
Highly developed mainframe technology skills
Coding experience in a multitasking, reentrant and/or sysplex environment
Self-starter able to work independently
To provide quality solutions with little oversight.
Experienced creating functional
Designs/specifications from business requirements.
Experience with Mainframe environment (TSO/ISPF, JCL etc)
Operating system centric role
• Excellent knowledge of z/OS structure and logic including knowledge of z/OS operating system internals
• Experience in developing working code utilizing low-level operating system functions to accomplish a desired task
• Understanding of zLinux and Unix System Services.
Min salary
Mid point salary
Max salary
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