Open vacancies in Dominican Republic. Working in Dominican Republic is no longer a dream. Discover leading companies' jobs openings, currently hiring in the most desirable countries with Expoint. Start building your future today, sign up to Expoint and take on the challenge.
Define how to automatically find vulnerabilities and security issues. Develop and implement algorithms for code flow analysis and vulnerability detection techniques, using both static and dynamic analysis methods. Develop production-grade...
Take a significant part in building and shaping the biggest software supply chain platform that serves over 80% of Fortune 100. Take a significant part in building cross-company engineering culture,...
Design and implement large-scale batch & streaming data pipelines infrastructure. Build and optimize data workflows for maximum reliability and performance. Develop solutions for real-time data processing and analytics. Implement data...
Be a part of the team developing advanced code analysis tools. Teach the tools we develop to catch security vulnerabilities in our customers’ source code. Research security requirements and implement...
Lead back-end infrastructure while introducing microservices, DB best practices, performance optimization and more using Python & Golang. Develop user interfaces using Angular & Vue.js. Deliver high-quality code with excellent test...
Previous experience designing business plans and market strategies to increase sales, especially with solutions. A proven track record of quota achievement and demonstrated career stability. A self-motivated, independent thinker who...
Build intuitive user interfaces for fleet management platform using TS and other leading technologies. Lead front-end infrastructure while introducing JS/TS best practices, performance optimization, security considerations and more. Deliver high-quality...
Define how to automatically find vulnerabilities and security issues. Develop and implement algorithms for code flow analysis and vulnerability detection techniques, using both static and dynamic analysis methods. Develop production-grade...
Expoint is a job searching platform made solely for the tech industry in Dominican Republic. It’s here to support companies and individuals interested in finding the perfect match in this competitive and rapidly growing industry.
As the Dominican Republic’s tech sector continues to expand, Expoint is the go-to place to get the latest news and resources to take advantage of the market's wide range of job opportunities. Our specialized platform provides employers and job seekers information about the entire job market in the Dominican Republic, including all industries related to the tech sector.
For employers, we make it easier to find the best fit for their tech-related positions. Our sophisticated job searching tools and filtering system enables companies to target their search quickly and efficiently. Job postings can be tailored to reflect specific job requirements and descriptions and applicants can be filtered directly through our platform, improving the speed of the recruitment process.
For job seekers, Expoint offers an array of options and exciting career opportunities, with both local and international tech companies. The platform enables job seekers to research and access job listings, plus hone their skills through a variety of useful resources and training programs. Our impressive database and intuitive search filters help narrow down the job search, so that job seekers quickly find the job that matches their skillset and career goals.
Expoint is committed to connecting employers and job seekers who are ready to join and contribute to the growth of the tech industry in the Dominican Republic. Our platform provides the necessary tools and information to make informed and informed career decisions, making it easier to succeed in the tech world.