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Cyber Security jobs in Germany

Unlock your potential in the high tech industry with Expoint. Search for job opportunities as a Cyber Security in Germany and join the network of leading companies. Start your journey today and find your dream job as a Cyber Security with Expoint.
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29 jobs found

EY Praktikant IT-Consulting - Cyber Security mit Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt

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Einblick in die Beratung von Kund:innen aus dem Banken-, Versicherungs- und Asset-Management-Umfeld hinsichtlich deren Informationstechnologien und der dazugehörigen Cyber Security. Unterstützung bei System- und Datenbankprüfungen sowie Identity und Access Management....
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EY Berater Datenschutz - Cyber Security w/m/d Germany, Berlin, Berlin

Limitless High-tech career opportunities - Expoint
Beratung zu Datenschutzfragen im Zuge der digitalen Transformation bei der Umsetzung in Unternehmen oder im Public Sektor. Unterstützung von Kund:innen bei Aufbau und Weiterentwicklung von Datenschutzmanagementsystemen (DSMS). Durchführung von Reifegradprüfungen...
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EY Berater IAM - Cyber Security w/m/d Germany, Berlin, Berlin

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Leitung von anspruchsvollen Projekten, wie beispielsweise IAM Security Assessments, Entwicklung von IAM Strategien und zugehörigen Roadmaps zur Umsetzung, Definition von IAM Prozessen und zugehörigen Referenzarchitekturen. Steuerung von IAM Implementierungen. Ausbau...
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EY Berater OT/IOT - Cyber Security w/m/d Germany, Berlin, Berlin

Limitless High-tech career opportunities - Expoint
Leitung anspruchsvoller globaler OT Cyber Security Projekte (z. B. Cyber Assessments, Implementierungsprojekte, Entwicklung von Strategien und Roadmaps). Entwicklung von Referenzarchitekturen, Sicherheitsstrategien, Richtlinien, Standards und Prozessen. Aufbau und Weiterentwicklung unseres Service-Portfolios...
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EY Consultant Cyber Security - Financial Services w/m/d Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt

Limitless High-tech career opportunities - Expoint
Beratung von Kund:innen aus dem Banken-, Versicherungs- und Asset-Management-Umfeld hinsichtlich deren Informationstechnologien und der dazugehörigen Cyber Security. Attack- und Penetration Testing, z.B. in den Bereichen (Web)Application, Mobile, Server, Datenbanken und...
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EY Penetration Tester - Cyber Security Consulting Financial Ser... Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt

Limitless High-tech career opportunities - Expoint
Durchführung von Penetration Testing, z. B. in den Bereichen (Web-) Application, Mobile, Infrastruktur , Red-Team Assessments, sowie Security Code Reviews. Analyse von Architekturen zum Identifizieren von Vulnerabilities. Erarbeitung von Lösungsvorschlägen...
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Microsoft Customer Security Officer Germany

Limitless High-tech career opportunities - Expoint
10+ years of Industry experience, with 3-5 years as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), with direct responsibility for developing security strategies for global companies and/or governments and overseeing the...
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Anyone looking to have a successful career in cyber security in Germany should consider ExPoint as their go-to platform for job searching in the tech industry. ExPoint provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive listings of cyber security job opportunities all across Germany, from part-time internships to full-time careers. Cyber security roles are crucial in Germany as threats and vulnerabilities to computer systems increase. From large-scale corporations to small businesses, having a strong and knowledgeable cyber security presence is paramount. At ExPoint, job seekers can find the cyber security role that best fits their skills and interests quickly. Our platform allows you to access detailed job postings and contains specialized search terms and keywords to quickly identify opportunities. We also offer informational resources for those interested in the cyber security field in Germany. This includes industry-leading trends and news, rankings of the best cyber security programs in the country, and internship and job listings from the most prominent recruiters in the field. At ExPoint, our mission is to give everyone the opportunity to join the ever-growing field of cyber security in Germany. We make it easy to find the right opportunity for you and put you on the path to a successful career. With years of expertise and resources in German tech, ExPoint is the best place to start your cyber security job search!