This is a diverse role where in-depth knowledge of generator construction projects, constructability, utility requirements, National Electricity Rules familiarity and commissioning experience is expected.
A rock-solid work ethic, strong team-oriented personality and savvy commercial approach are essential. Members of our team display creativity, passion, and a desire to break new ground in a constantly shifting technology landscape.
Additional tasks may include:
- Negotiation of holdpoint test plans with NSPs and AEMO
- Design,coordination, execution, and documentation of test plans
- Preparation ofequipment specifications and tendering
- Designoptimisation
- Site basedconstruction monitoring, auditing, and quality inspections
- Fault-finding, rootcause reporting, analysis of SCADA data, protection relay events
- Balance of plantelectrical subcontractor design review
- Incorporation oflessons learnt into continuous improvement of specifications, scopingdocuments, processes, test report templates, automation