המקום בו המומחים והחברות הטובות ביותר נפגשים
As recruiters, we help managers identify key requirements for each position, and support them throughout the recruitment process, all the way to the final interview. We analyze the market, and find the best approach to fill vacancies as quickly as possible.
We have established and documented processes and best practices, and we use a custom HRM system to automate them.
Finding qualified and niche IT, Art, and GameDev specialists
Running the full recruitment cycle – from gathering job requirements to presenting an offer
Working with vacancies across multiple fields simultaneously
Conducting interviews and negotiating with candidates from Ukraine, Poland, and Spain
Interacting with department heads and technical experts to determine requirements and responsibilities for company vacancies
Working with a custom HRM system
Maintaining reports on current vacancies
At least 3 years of experience recruiting IT or GameDev specialists
Experience in sourcing candidates through a variety of channels
Experience conducting interviews
Successful headhunting experience
English language skills at the Upper-Intermediate level or higher
Fluency in Ukrainian
Experience in assisting managers with creating candidate profiles
Experience recruiting Art specialists
Higher education in psychology
Interest in games and an understanding of game mechanics
Officially registered full-time employment
Minimum of 25 calendar days of paid vacation annually, separately paid public holidays, and additional paid leave for specific needs
Medical support and fully paid leave if you or your child are sick
Reimbursement of expenses for using coworking spaces
Individual development plan and regular feedback
Professional seminars, workshops, courses, and internal training programs
Opportunity to take an interest-free loan
Counseling with psychologists and mental health workshops
Reimbursement of gym membership fees and a running club
משרות נוספות שיכולות לעניין אותך