Create ATE (Advantest SmarTest PS1600 & EXA Scale) test program and integrate various test functions in test flow to support First Silicon bring up for wafer and package in NPI phase.
Perform designvalidation/characterization/experimenton ATE across process, voltage, frequency and temperature. Evaluate test and product margins, debug and communicateresult/yield/analysisto various teams.
Utilize ATE test tools and other test instrument to debug and analyze the test, design and product issue.
Support ATE test hardware design (Including build instruction, SI/PI...etc.) and debug.
Support test time reduction.
Support protodemands/qualificationfor IP owner and customer requests.
Complete test development, test program transfer and product release at respective milestones.
Initiate, plan and execute multiple projects to achieve target.
Good knowledge of product engineering, failure analysis and manufacturing test process.
Interest in learning, researching, sharing and implementing new technology and test methodology.