beresponsibleformanagingproductlifecyclesfrom entry to exit
To drive productivity of stock movements in relation to delivery receiving and transfers
To take ownership over the implementation of Heart of House and Management of Stockroom Layouts and its maintenance
Toexecutestoreoperationswithspecific focus on product and consumer service in linewith brand image
To use his/her expertise and experience to provide feedback and coaching opportunities
Key Responsibilities:
ofstoretargetsandactivelyworkstomeetorexceedthesebyusingalltheresourcesavailableinsideand outside of the store
Usesretailandcommercialexpertise to maximize sales opportunities by prioritizing merchandise flow to the sales floor
Is a role model for stockroom operations ensuring all processes adhered to whilstproviding feedback on ideas and suggestions on driving productivity to line managerand store team
Ownershipforcompletingdeliveriesquicklyandaccuratelywhile adhering to stock protection procedures
Accuratelyrecordsandmanagesallstockmovementinandoutofstorevia IC processesorOmnichannelwithinatimelymanner
Responsible for Inventory accuracy within the flagship environment executing cyclecountsandcontrollingadjustmentsin line with line manager and store team
Ownership of all stockroom health and safety topics, checks and complies with allpoliciesandprocedurestomaintainasafeandsustainableworking environment
Identifies improvement opportunities and communicates suggestions to line managerandstoremanagementto drive commercial success
Providesstrong leadership skills in order to guide and train own team on StockroomOperations, managing performance via the Company Performance system (#MyBest)withthe support of HR Manager and line manager where required
Collaboratesproductivelyandrespectfullywithall team members acting as oneStoreTeamtomeetorexceedstoregoals
adesiretolearnandseizesallavailable opportunities to drivehis/herdevelopmentandincrease
communicationstyletoservicebothinternalandexternalconsumersdependenton the situation
Flexiblyadaptsapproachtoaccommodatetheneedsofmultipleinternalandexternalconsumersat the same time
Dealsprofessionally with difficult situations
Uses retailand commercial expertise to drive overall store sales by prioritising theconsumerandbrandatalltimeswhetheritbebyOmnichannelor by flow of merchandiseto the sales floor
Supports team by actively helping where required by line manager
Is thorough and detail oriented in maintaining a clean and organised stockroom
Stockroom management or people management experience is mandatory
Requisite Education and Experience:
5 years work experience in a sports/fashion customer- and commercial-focusedretail environment withadvanced process knowledge and comprehensive stockmanagementandlogisticalexperience,withthoroughretailindustryunderstanding
Intermediate numeracy and literacy and advanced verbal communication skills
Minimum2yearsexperienceinaSeniorStockroomManagement role