サービスプロバイダー部門のお客様(電気通信事業者)を担当する Solutions Engineer を募集します
Data Center Networking を中心にシスコが持つ幅広い製品・サービスを活用することで、お客様の課題解決およびビジネス拡大に貢献するためのプリセールス活動を行います
・実機デモや PoC の実施と報告
・Data Center Switching (ACI/Nexus) に関する知識と経験
・SP routing and Switching (Segment Routing, E-VPN, MPLS, BGP) の知識と経験
・Network Programmability and Automation (Python, Ansible, etc.) の知識と経験
[Role & Responsibilities]
- Refine and research customer challenges in technical context and technical requirements of the opportunity
- Conduct demonstration or PoC, leveraging resources such as demo labs, including presentation and documentation of test results
- Research of potential competitive offerings for the proposed solution
[Minimum Qualifications]
- A person of challenging spirit and a sense of advancement
- More than 3 years of experience as a solutions engineer for network products
- Knowledge and experiences of Data Center Switching (ACI/Nexus)
- Knowledge of Generic Routing and Switching (CCNP level)
- Experience of demonstration and POC
- Fluent Japanese communication
[Desired Skills]
- Knowledge of SP Routing and Switching (Segment Routing, E-VPN, MPLS, BGP)
- Knowledge of Network Programmability and Automation (Python, Ansible etc.)
- Knowledge of Generic Routing and Switching (CCIE level)
- Fluent English communication