Recruiting job applicants has always been considered a process that requires a lot of investment and resources from the company's human resources department. Publishing job ads, going through resumes, screening candidates, coordinating job interviews and con...
Read nowPost a newly opened vacancy within your company, discover the candidates in our database and hire the most suitable professionals, all within Expoint. Filter potential candidates by location, age and years of experience. View, save, share and import resumes w...
With Expoint, you can easily manage your job posts from anywhere, even on your mobile device on the go. We’ve created a system that enables the user to manage all the jobs in one place with customers in mind. Convenient Department sectioning, helps keeping a ...
Manage your candidates with ease at Expoint Employer’s Hub. Our easy to navigate menu lets you access your candidates in one click thanks to the easy to navigate menu and functions developed by Expoint. Create Departments, add Users and assign different roles ...
Welcome to Expoint, the premier job posting platform exclusively for the high tech industry. Our mission is to connect top tech companies with the most talented professionals in the field. At Expoint, we pride ourselves on providing unique features that set u...
Each company’s user added to Expoint is given different privileges within the system. There are 6 different roles you may choose from, to assign to each user. To help you understand what’s the difference between each role, please refer to the table below. R...
With Expoint, all companies have the possibility to create various Departments and give different role privileges to each user. Each Department must have an Administrator who is granted access to all of the system sections, may create departments, users, post...
Expoint has an innovative system for companies to hire quality candidates in various industries. Open candidates database gives full access to organizations with license, maximizing the chances of finding the right fit for the job in a fast, secure and effici...